In English

| 2 Comentários

Today I was talking with a great finnish friend, my dear Jenni, and she made me thinking about writing in English sometimes here at this blog. The reason? Believe it or not, some people (probably only Jenni, but even if she’s the only one who reads this it would worth it) from outside Brazil or Portugal read this. So here it goes – my first post totally in English.

Since I came back from my European trip I’ve been listening almost exclusively to Swedish music, except for one or two times I listened to my Zucchero CD or the finnish techno I’ve got – and, oh, yes, the finnish band Tik Tak. Even if I don’t understand most of the stuff I listen to, the music is great, and so nostalgic. I am talking about Ted Gärdestad, a famous Swedish singer (well, famous in Sweden), who ended up his life tragically, or so I heard. I’m trying to learn more about the guy. And when I listen to his music, boy, I wish I could play some guitar, just so I could play some of his songs.

I can speak some Norwegian, as some of you know. But that doesn’t help me to understand that much of Ted’s lyrics. I hope I can find some site with the translation of the lyrics. Actually, it’s weird that they say both languages (Norwegian and Swedish) are similar enough that they understand each other. Well, Norwegian only helped me ocasionaly. Probably that’s like Portuguese and Spanish – I don’t think that non-native speakers that understands one of them would understand the other without studying it.

I’m trying to get healthy habits after the trip. I started to eat wheat bread with tomato on the mornings, and started also to do family stuff on sundays, like going out with mom and aunt to have ice cream. But other than that, I’ve been too much in front of the computer, and that’s not so good…

Well, tomorrow there’s gym… And it’s getting harder and harder to wake up that earlier to go there.

Here is my favorite Ted Gärdestad song, but I already changed my mind about which song of his is my favorite, so next week it may be another one…

Come give me love – Ted Gärdestad

Jag vet en vän som bor i huset intill
Och hon har lovat mej allt va jag vill
mmmhm.. jag vet en vän, som är lika blåögd som jag
vi borde få det bra

när mina fingrar inte känner mer
när mina ögon inte längre ser
när livet vänder
ska jag ännu be (come give me love, come give me love)

kom ge mej världen
kom ge mej fred
kom sänk ditt huvud
och lägg dej ner
kom ge mej kroppen
kom ge mej allt som du har
och jag ska stanna kvar

jag vet ett rum långt in dit vi brukar gå
om vi ska gömma oss, bara vi två
mmmhm? jag vet en vän, som är lika mörkrädd som jag
vi gjorde slut idag

när mina öron inte längre hör
när bladen faller och en stjärna dör
när livet vänder
ska jag ännu be (come give me love, come give me love)

kom ge mej solen
kom ge mej hav
kom ge mej jorden
vi lever av
kom ge mej kroppen
kom ge mej allt som du har
och jag ska stanna kvar

kom ge mej sommar
kom ge mej liv
kom ge mej kärlek och livs motiv
kom ge mej kroppen
kom ge mej allt som du har
och jag ska stanna kvar

kom ge mej sanning
kom ge mej tid
kom ge mej kunskap
kom ge mej frid
kom ge mej doften
kom ge mej allt som du har
och jag ska stanna kvar

(kom ge mej världen
kom ge mej fred
kom sänk ditt huvud
och lägg dej ner
kom ge mej kroppen
kom ge mej allt som du har
och jag ska stanna kvar

om mina öron inte längre hör
om svalor faller och en stjärna dör
när livet vänder
ska jag ännu be

kom ge mej världen
kom ge mej fred
kom sänk ditt huvud
och lägg dej ner
kom ge mej kroppen
kom ge mej allt som du har
och jag ska stanna kvar

Autor: francis

the guy who writes here... :D


  1. Beautiful lyrics.. tycker jag 🙂

  2. As you see, there are more people visiting this english version. So you better update it. 😉 When it comes to Norwegian and Swedish languages, its kind of easy to understand Norwegian spoken for Swedish people (and the other way too I think) but it can be real hard to understand written…

    Now dear brother, i better start to mail you instead.

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