Ok, this was was for the kicks:

I realized yesterday that I had no bread for the next day, and it was already 6pm. I decided to improvise, already afraid coz it never goes well improvising bread…
So I started to make a pre-ferment praying it would be almost ready at 9pm, so I could blend it all and put it on the fridge for bulk fermentation.
- 200g pre-ferment with 100g Pivetti type 1 flour (100% hydration)
- 50g Pivetti whole wheat (Farina Integrale bio)
- 100g Pivetti type 00 flour
- 100g Regal spelt
- 50g Møllerens rye
- 180g water
- 10g salt
But I had to mix the ingredients sooner, and I saw that the pre-ferment wasn’t ready. So I just mixed them all at 8:30, and instead of putting it on the fridge, I left it on our kitchen table for the night. I had to wake up really early today, at 4am, and was really surprised to see that it didn’t rise too much – just enough. It didn’t feel super ready, but ready enough to pre-shape.
I went for a boule this time, pre-shaped it, and let it rest for 30 min. Then I did the final shape, left it on the basket for one hour, and baked it.
It was my best loaf so far. Amazing taste, really. This could easily become my everyday bread if it wasn’t for the fact that I need to eat more fiber. No stretch and folding (which means I could just leave and let it rise alone), no autolyse and no fridge.

Score: 10/10.
Things I liked:
- Amazing taste. Unbelievable.
- Nice, rich crumb.
- Crispy crust.
Things I didn’t like:
- Crumb could have been a bit lighter, but maybe it would loose this good, chewy consistence
- I wish it would grow higher, but hey, it was a boule, what am I expecting?
- Less salt next time – 2g less would do, I guess.
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