I am far from baking bread that I am 100% happy with. I am just starting to bake bread, so there’s a lot to learn. One of the things that annoys me the most is that I see people are … Continue lendo

por francis
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por francis
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I am far from baking bread that I am 100% happy with. I am just starting to bake bread, so there’s a lot to learn. One of the things that annoys me the most is that I see people are … Continue lendo
por francis
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Ok, this sourdough bread is now on my list of default breads – you know, those I’ll make often and often. The recipe is here. Here’s how I do it: I prepare the pre-ferment around 6 hours before, then I … Continue lendo
por francis
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One of my main challenges is how to make bread my little daughter will eat. She doesn’t appreciate the crispy crusts that most bread lovers like. She loves good, soft and yummy crumb. I haven’t perfected a technique to make … Continue lendo
por francis
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Ok, as I said here, I made this emmer bread, but I didn’t taste it, so I was curious and decided to make it again to see how it actually tastes. I let the emmer soak water overnight, though it … Continue lendo
por francis
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Ok, this was was for the kicks: I realized yesterday that I had no bread for the next day, and it was already 6pm. I decided to improvise, already afraid coz it never goes well improvising bread… So I started … Continue lendo
por francis
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Welcome! I am one of those corona-bakers, or whatever they call those who started to bake like crazy during the pandemic. It all started with my cousin sharing a recipe of how to make the type of bread Brazilians eat … Continue lendo
por francis
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Proponho a questão apenas por um exercício de raciocínio. Embora pareça haver um dilema, uma escolha entre dois polos, a aparência é falsa. Há nuances, muitas, que tornam a equiparação da escolha entre o PT e Bolsonaro como sendo entre … Continue lendo
por francis
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Não, eu não engulo essa história do sujeito que, pra justificar o voto em Bolsonaro, vem dizendo “olha, eu votei no PT, mas me decepcionei muito”. Eu tenho lá minhas teorias para entender o voto em Bolsonaro, mas essa da … Continue lendo
por francis
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“Quem peca, contra si peca; quem comete injustiça, a si agrava, porque a si mesmo perverte.” Marco Aurélio Nesses tempos em que ser troglodita é a nova normalidade, vê-se anões criticarem a gigantes com a sem-vergonhice dos ignorantes. Exemplo claro … Continue lendo
por francis
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Atualização (27.12.2023): O conteúdo desse artigo já está ultrapassado. O Congresso Nacional promulgou uma emenda constitucional que permite a dupla cidadania. Quando esse artigo foi escrito, tal emenda ainda não havia sido aprovada. No final do artigo, ao mencioná-lo, tratava-se … Continue lendo